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13 avril 2008

Buenos aires, city of what you want...

exhibitionloco_in_caminitocaminitoafter_konexcrossing_the_roadso my final destination in my south american tour wasBsAs_at_night building_and_lightsarthur_and_Cobuenos from_the_costanera_suraires. i arrived there at the end of february contrejourflower_carpetKonexchildrenand left the city 1.5 month later, after a thousand parties, concert, seing tango show, walking or riding a bike for kilometers, maybe a hundred or more sine i was doing more than 5 km each days, doing a street photo exhibition, playing music again and again, meeting people, living like them. buenos aires is very busy, speed, noisy, the cultural life is incredibly various and animated (i cant count the numbers of cultural centers in the city), temperature hot all the time, day and night when it s supposed to be automn. but the city in itself, like architecturally speaking is nothing incredible like istanbul. feliz_crisisferiain_a_trainin_framejero_and_betinait s law_universityjust buildings placed in the colonial order, i mean squares of matemusicospercussionspigeons_in_a_parcplaza_de_mayoracing_demonstrationrepression1repression2repression3sleepingstairsstreet_musictempetebuildings, and perpendicular or parallel avenues and streets. some monuments, various parcs. it s just a city. but the atmosphere make it a crazy and titerestraffic_lightsunder_the_bridgewires_and_buildingszarateattractive city, one of the craziest i know. so if you have a chance to go there, i guess you just have to go.
